If you are not sure whether you are right with God or you know in fact that you need Jesus in your life, you can choose to follow Him right now by praying a prayer of surrender to Jesus.

Dear Lord, I’m praying this prayer because I know that I have done wrong by living without You. I am sorry and I trust that You will forgive me. I accept Your love and grace for me and ask that You would be my Lord. Help me believe in You and love You every day, and help me to show the world what You are like and how great Your love is.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Some Resources to Help You

We’ve put together a small package to welcome you into the family including: a Youtube link to a pool of songs we are currently singing in our Sunday gatherings, video resources to explain your decision in more depth, our YouVersion Bible Plan so you can join other Church family members as we study the Bible each day and a link to our ‘Life Groups’ which we would love you to consider becoming a part of.