Prayers throughout the day-7.png

Prayer for the Church

Heavenly Father, our Good Shepherd, the One who has promised to build His church. We thank you for all you are doing in Rediscover Church. Over the 89 years of our history in Exeter you have been faithful.

We thank you for all who have discovered your love, followed your leading, grown in your ways. We thank you for every encounter with your presence, each initiative that has been taken and every community that has been blessed through our witness. Even in the last 12 months we thank you that:

  • People have given their lives to you most Sundays
  • Many have been on an Alpha course and discovered you for themselves
  • Many have been baptised
  • Many people have been touched by the love, kindness and hospitality of the church family
  • Multiple services were launched with the first service growing and the second service almost full again
  • Many new life groups have been formed
  • Ministries such as Soar, Restore, Storehouse continue to serve great needs and we believe many more lives will be touched with the launch of Transform
  • Financial needs continue to know provision
  • Events at both Sandy Park and the Great Hall have gone well
  • From the youngest baby to the oldest pensioner, God has been moving wonderfully by His spirit
  • Testimonies of salvations and healings are a regular occurrence

We thank you for all these things and the many more not named...

We believe you are calling us to even greater adventures and we pray for:

  • Each person to Live 100% for God, Love everyone with Gods love and Thrive in Jesus abundant life
  • Each person will step out into the purposes of God in their lives
  • God will show each person how they are part of Gods plan to reach the 1.1millions people of Devon
  • For the leaders and their families - that they may know wisdom, faith and prophetic insight
  • Marriages would flourish
  • Families would know strong spiritual, emotional and physical health
  • For prodigals to return
  • For the raising up of new leaders

Father you know we believe we need a bigger building to help with the flow of all you are about to do among us. Please lead us, open doors, give us insight and provide miraculously we pray. Give us favour with landowners and city planners in Jesus name.

Father, may your kingdom come and your will be done in Devon just as it is in heaven we pray - in Jesus name AMEN!