Kids' Week of Prayer - Monday

God doesn't just have something to say to us as adults in this week or prayer.. He has something He wants to say to our children too!


๐Ÿ‘ Family Prayer Fun ๐Ÿ‘

Why not take some time each day this week, as a family, to talk to God and hear what God has to say.

Maybe you could even give your children the choice to take some time out from normal activities each day e.g. cut digital time short // making different choices.. instead of juice have water // no sweeties for a week! We want our children to make the choice to fast to focus on God, asking for His help and giving time to hear what He has to say to them. As when we fast and pray things happen!!


TODAY'S Activity: 5 Finger Prayer


1) Choose 1 of the following your hand, paper/pen, play dough or even paint if you're brave enough. 
2) Draw around your hand or make a hand print. 
3) Write down or talk through the 5 points of prayer โ€ข how great is God โ€ข thank you God for.. โ€ข I'm sorry God for... โ€ข help me God to... โ€ข help others God to...
4) Pray these through with your children as a way to learn that praying is simply talking to our Heavenly Father who loves them so much, and who always listens and answers our prayers!




๐Ÿคน TODAY'S Story Time ๐Ÿคน

You've heard of Cbeebies story time... For our week of prayer we are doing a ๐Ÿ“– story time ๐Ÿ“– every evening which links to the prayer activity you have been doing with your family!

So get everyone together, sit back, relax and enjoy the story... and why not pray together at the end? ๐Ÿ™